Books & Web Links

"I AM" Healing
Wiltshire, UK

Books & Web Links
20th January 2025 
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Web Links

Dolores Cannon Founder of the QHHT technique describes it on her website
My Blog For ongoing News and QHHT related information (inactive as too busy)
The International Healthcare Rip-off The Pharmaceutical Industry - How it seeks to control.
The EL Shift A support website for my new Book, The EL Shift.


Chrissie Harman Reiki & Massage Treat yourself to a relaxing massage
Liz Hills Person Centered Counselling Based in East Anglia, Liz includes an holistic service including the use of your Astrological charts.
Person Centered Counselling Counselling with a difference - Person Centered with a core spiritual approach

Books & Web Links. TheELShift BookCover1

Some Interesting Books

The EL Shift, (The New Light of Day) - I am author of this new book now published as an e-Book through Amazon. It details important activations and universal positioning by our Creators, The Elohim that occurred in 2013 and 2014, preparing Earth for the great leap forward as foretold many billions of years ago. This information was given to me and my QHHT subject, Mary Smith and it has been recorded for humanity to become informed as to what is happening now and where we are headed as a civilisation and our integration into Galactic developments.They are staggering new revelations
BUY - go to Amazon

Quantum Healing - Exploring The Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine by Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Kryon Book Series 1-12 (Lee Carroll as the Channel for the KRYON energy).

Kryon Book 12 - 12 layers of DNA CLICK HERE

Patricia Pereira - Series of four books "The Arcturian Star Chronicles"

Urantia (1934 Revelations as planned for Humanity, succeeding/enhancing Madame Blavatsky)

The Only Planet of Choice - Essential Briefings from Deep Space by Phyllis Schlemmer

Dolores Cannon series of books including "Legacy from the Stars", Keepers of the Garden, Between Death & Life, Custodians, Convoluted Universe Vols1-4

"The Explorer Race" Series - Books 1 to 13 by Super Channel Robert Shapiro - amazing!!!

The Shining Light Series - Books I - VI again by Robert Shapiro

Shamanic Secrets Series (x3 Books) - Robert Shapiro becoming one of my favourite authors.

Patricia Cori series - 'Cosmos of the Soul'; No More Secrets No More Lies; Atlantis Rising - The struggle of Darkness & Light.

Conversations with God (Books 1 to 3) - Neale Donald Walsch: No nonsense guidance to understanding 'Who you are'.& why you are here & Humanity's errors in thinking. Recommended.