For Lightworkers

"I AM" Healing
Wiltshire, UK

For Lightworkers
20th January 2025 
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For Lightworkers. rsz-pranic-healing

Starseeds, Lightworkers, Indigos, Crystals

As well as facilitating the healing of conventional 3rd Dimensional issues as outlined on other pages, I am also offering, through the vehicle of QHHT™, the request for appropriate DNA and Light-Body Activation, among other esoteric things, for those living "STARSEEDS" and “LIGHTWORKERS” who believe it is now their time to “awake and shake” - to fulfil their Life Plan in assisting Gaia, themselves and as many of its resident humans, to increase their vibration level in order to achieve Planetary and Individual Ascension. Time is short.

So this page is only for those who want to be, or are, awakened or awakening Souls of Higher Cosmic awareness and vibration - those who now give intent with their actions to heal the planet. There can be no more sitting on the fence. You help is needed now! Everyday there are more and more Lightworkers being switched on all over the world at an increasing rate. This is clearly evidenced in Dolores Cannon's book "Three waves of Volunteers & New Earth". Each individual Soul has an awakening programme. Has yours commenced already and you are not listening? Some QHHT™ may be the catalyst you need to put you on your path of destiny.

Humanity passed the energy test on 16/17 August 1987 – The Harmonic Convergence. The balance of World thought energies shifted from an overall negative to positive. The prophecies of doom and gloom total annihilation or Armageddon will not pass. Beyond expectation Humanity proved it could achieve the opposite – collective higher vibration, Ascension and a better world of peace, joy and harmony. A new world of manifesting what you want (only for the highest intent) is in sight. A world of Light and Unconditional Love beckons those who choose the Light (Higher vibration).

Gaia is preparing to “Ascend” anyway - increasing its vibrations to carry it through a dimensional shift. Check for yourself on the increasing "Schumann Resonance". This is being achieved in many ways and is part of the natural Cosmic Cycle. Powerful unseen energies have been emanating from the Central Sun, The Source, and sweeping across and bathing not only Gaia but all the Galaxies, our Milky Way and Solar System. This mighty swathe of energy is designed in accordance with the Divine Plan to lift and separate. Life forms vibrating at a higher level will be able to move through the next higher dimensional barriers with Gaia. Lower vibrating life forms will unfortunately be stuck in the life that is now (3rd Dimension) and, I understand, be re-located to a similar vibration planet elsewhere in the Universe. The choice is yours as Earth is “The Only Planet Of Choice” (read book of the same name). Which way do you want to go?


During the Session, I will as usual, be the facilitator to connect you to the appropriate level Light Beings in the Collective Cosmic Consciousness in the normal way. This is the Omniscience behind the Veil in this particular Creation and the energy that is part of the “All That Is” – the part of your “I AM”. Herein lies the power that heals you in a normal session. I will first have asked the usual permissions of you (in 3rd Dimension) and “Them” to explore your Multidimensional Soul/self.

II will then ask and identify with “Them”, if any of this esoteric opening of the energetic gateways is appropriate for you. Are you vibrationally ready? Is your real all time intent positive and of the Light? Are you determined enough? What are your underlying reasons for wanting this? Is this opening part of your pre-life contract? What esoteric selection of gifts may be passed to you in this 3rd dimensional lifetime now. This is serious work. Much This will be discussed with you beforehand as to what you are ready for and seek now. You need to be specific. I will have connected with my own Guides to ensure this is relevant & appropriate for you before you eve travel to me. I will tell you beforehand where you stand and whether we can go ahead.

It may be that you wish for example:

A clearer contact with your Higher Self;
Contact with your Guides, Angels;
Contact with what you consider to be your home Planet or Starship

Clearer night dream memory;
Enhanced Psychic abilities;
Ability to see UFO's or Lightships;
Extra Terrestrial contact;
Clearer memory of your night work (visiting other dimensions or places)
Clearer understanding of your Multi Dimensional Self
Clarifying if you are a 'Walk-In' & understanding what this means for you now & later.
Sorry for reinforcing this but all such requests must be for the highest good of the Universe and you must be of sufficient vibration to accept the extra energies or they will not be granted.

Remember such abilities or gifts may have to be worked for. Do not expect them to be just handed on a plate. Only in exceptional circumstances does this happen, for example, when you have pre-life contracts to convey special information healing or energy to individuals or Humanity.

As usual, all sessions are recorded so you may listen to the advice and answers given to you as to what your situation is.

For Lightworkers. tumblr_ky1q8d5Ggg1qaicvy

Neutralising Karma

There is the possibility of clearing your personal Karmic Plate. In general, the era of Earthly tests and lessons has finished. Long ago in the mists of time, Earth was earmarked as an experimental energy station and the Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) became part of the mechanism to test Light & Dark energies. With the passing of 2012, the classroom and its old formula of lessons is being closed down as Earth moves towards a dimensional shift.

Starseeds and Lightworkers now have new important jobs to do in increasing the level of personal and global vibration. With the shift fast approaching, Advanced Souls can well do without the tedious Earthly karmic tests which detract from this important work.

In Session, I will ask the Collective Cosmic Consciousness if it is appropriate for you to neutralise the karmic tests and lessons you previously set yourself. If it is deemed appropriate, then such tests, with your deepest intent, will be removed, provided you seek to replace them with other actions intended for the highest good. Remember it is “Them” that will advise if it is the appropriate time. It is you, with pure intent, by simply asking "Please cancel my current Karmic lifetime lessons" that can start the process of change.

Some karmic lessons still have to be played out. It is the only way of reaching balance. Only your Higher Self will decide what is right for you. Every Soul is different.

Similarly, Light-Body (see below) cannot be achieved with unbalanced karmic residue/memory still intact in your soul engrams. Every effort must be made to first dissolve the lower energies you hold and negate the karma. The QHHT™ process can kick-start your new body/life only if the time is right for you.

Notwithstanding my comments above, as a formality, I always ask clients if they want to re-write their karmic contracts before our session begins. I have a prepared ‘Karma Voiding Request’ statement of intent which clients can read through if they want to do this (no-one has ever refused to do this!). The prepared statement is in my own words but if clients wish to alter parts or add things specific to their situation they are free to do so. Or they can make a request of their own making without using my prompt sheet. If you do want to do your own please be precise as there can be some pitfalls easily overlooked. You decide. I offer the Karma Voiding statement of intent for you to read & apply to your life free as my gift to you.

12 Strand DNA Activation

Earth science is only aware of the familiar 2 strands of DNA. There are 10 further unseen strands that are present but deactivated. It is a sad Earth story as to why these 10 strands were "unbundled". But now the Cosmic energies have once again been turned towards humanity and the time is right for appropriate Higher Vibrating vehicles to be re-energised and the DNA re-activated.

I would point out that you must not be thinking 3rd Dimensionally in regard to this DNA. It exists at higher vibrations which we cannot perceive in 3D. It is Inter-dimensional DNA. DNA that allows you to live and communicate multidimensionally.

Your own DNA/Light-Body Light Activation is also at the behest of higher entities. Do not feel upset if your request is declined. There is a right (life)time and place for this important procedure. All Souls have an activation clock within their DNA and cells. You will be told if it is your time. If it is your time then Activations and Initiations carry with them greater responsibility. You become more accountable for your actions so you must maintain a high vibration and strength of character, integrity and unconditional love.

Please note that it is my belief that you are not suddenly endowed with a full activation. If all your DNA Strands were active you would in essence be the equivalent of an Ascended Master with the ability, for example, to materialise and dematerialise all matter including your body. The ability to communicate and work in Light. The activation, is only to allow you to proceed on the correct path to achieve this status, bit by bit, in your development of Light-Body. As I have said before, it is not given to you on a plate. You have to work at achieving total balance, understanding, compassion, peace, love, and so on. It is only then that your Body & Soul energies can withstand the highest vibrations. The activation will be a gift to you on the path to Realisation - the path to living multidimensionally.

My understanding is that any DNA activation will begin with the 3rd strand only for the majority of Lightworkers. There will be exceptions as some Lightworkers have special missions to perform necessitating additional strands to be activated. But in general the process has to be gradual, strand by strand. As Earth enters the edges of the Photon Belt in this new Age of Aquarius, you are being energetically ‘agitated’ to integrate and assimilate the new higher vibration levels readying yourself for Ascension. Those humans preferring to stay in the dense sensate vibrational world of lower 3rd dimension will not be having any additional DNA strand activation. Their options are limited and will not be Ascending. There is a Divine Plan awaiting for those wanting to remain in the old energy. They are not your concern.

For those who are interested in the 12 Strand DNA I recommend Kryon Book 12 - "12 Layers of DNA".

For Lightworkers. rsz-b5 Crop Circle 12 Strand DNA

Staying Young

In creating the design for the Human to partake in the Earth experiment many many hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was necessary to build in many factors within the "secret" DNA.

With experience of creating many thousands of civilisations it was thought necessary in the early stages of human development that the DNA be programmed with a system that brought on ageing and also negate the human ability to regenerate the physical body.

You are aware that certain animals can already regenerate their own body parts. So why can't Humans? It was built in our design to ensure we could "go home" after each life (a bit like going home after school) and appraise our progress of the karmic lessons. The karmic lessons you will recall are part of our lessons to learn how to deal with negative/lower vibration energy and thus raise our own vibration ready for this auspicious time in Earth history.

With humanity on the verge of a "Golden Age" this checking into "Home" will no longer be necessary and it will be possible for the Human physical vehicle (our bodies) to live for very long periods. You already will know of the Biblical and other legends of certain special people living for up to 900 years. Adam, Seth, Methuselah, Noah etc. These special people were actually given the normal Human Template, one which we, as a civilisation, have within our grasp in the relatively near future (in Cosmic Time terms).

If only Humans knew how mentally powerful they really were. This will be the route to longevity. This is what interests me in my quest, and contact with "All That Is" during your QHHT session Phase2. As with your Karmic lessons, your Healing and cell regeneration, I will ask if it is appropriate for you to live longer. If it is "authorised" by your Higher Self/Collective Cosmic Consciousness, then I will ask for your inbuilt Death Programme/Hormone to be re-calibrated to enable you to slow your ageing to what is appropriate for your Soul purpose in this lifetime.

I will ask your Higher Self and/or the appropriate Beings of Light during the Hypnotic state, for permission to receive the energies and programmes necessary for you to maintain robust Telomeres and produce the enzyme Telomerase which stops the Telomeres breaking off during cell division.

I remind you again the necessary personal Light parameters must be met. Your vibration Level; your intent for service to others; your life contract for service to Humanity & further afield among a few. Do not be too concerned if this is not for you. Your next life cycle will have been chosen as appropriate to supporting the next phase of advancement whatever that may be. You are eternal.


For Lightworkers. dna

Some Science

There is scientific evidence to confirm that, in every cell of our body, our DNA periodically emits light. Our present physical body therefore has the foundations of the Light Body in place ready for activation.

Our DNA, a crystalline molecule that emanates visible-spectrum light, is therefore already poised to grow its Light energy. Its activation is through our Pineal and Pituitary glands. The Pineal gland is the window to the Soul and is like an eye. In esoteric writings it is "The Third Eye". The part that is the facilitator of psychic abilities among other attributes.

In a QHHT session any appropriate permissions for activations will likely use these human glands as the conduit for the Light energising and commencement of the reconnection of your 12 Strand DNA which has been dormant for tens of thousands of years. Third strand only to begin with.

For Lightworkers. DNA Cosmic Awakening

Cosmic Healing

This is a process to heal issues and aspects of your Self which you have had with other planetary bodies within this dimension and impact energetically on Earth. They are deeply embedded and hidden within your cell memory. This healing is for advanced Lightworkers wishing to step up to the next stage of their work free from blockages caused from outside of this sphere.

Understand that, in the main, karmic issues are kept within the domain of the Earth experience and can be sourced within your Akash. If you have arrived on Earth from elsewhere in the Cosmos to help Earth in this critical time of need, you may have left behind unresolved issues from your other previous existences on other planets. Therefore, if you have contracted to help Earth during this critical Ascension period, you may need to heal external cosmic issues which will then release blockages you have experienced and then enable you to progress with your own healing path for this planet.

I have personally received this healing. Please understand that this is facilitated from a very high level. I have been authorised by specific Light Beings to offer this healing via QHHT. If such healing is also appropriate for you I will be pre-informed & allowed to bring this process into the QHHT session. It requires me to forge the energetic link & bring forward the high level specialist Light Being(s) who will do what is required to clear your blockages.

Inter-universal Cosmic Healing

This is similar to Cosmic healing except that the planetary issues may have arisen and been brought across from another universe. I do also facilitate this type of healing in session if it has been authorised by the Light Beings as being appropriate for you. It requires me to forge the energetic link & bring forward high level specialist Light Being(s) who will do what is required to clear your blockages.

For Lightworkers. Dimensional Rift

Inter-dimensional Healing

This is an off-shoot of Cosmic Healing and in my personal development, I, perchance, was able to identify the need for this. It is something I can facilitate during a QHHT™ session by working with your Guides and some of my own that I have been especially brought forward for this and allocated to assist me in this procedure.

As explained above, before entering the Earth sphere experiment, you will have existed in other dimensions in this universe. You may have not worked with your inter-dimensional gifts in the best way, and so require to identify why, and heal this issue. It unknowingly manifests as energetic issues preventing you from progressing to the next stage of your work here on Earth (or beyond).

During the QHHT™ session I will. In conjunction with your own, use the Guides I have been offered to take you on this healing journey to resolve these issues and remove any blockages allowing you to work in harmony with the ever increasing new energies.

Inter-dimensional Inter-Universal Healing

Again, this discovery was made during my own personal development. In this case, you may have arrived on Earth from another universe. The Creator has called on only the best to come here to Earth to bring it through Ascension. You are one of them.

So, this is much the same as Inter-dimensional healing except that you have crossed universes and dimensions to arrive here. Healing needs to be fully completed before all universal energies come into balance. This means that any cross-universal energy imbalances also need to be resolved. If an aspect of your Self has had issues in other universes inter-dimensionally, then healing is required to release any blockages preventing your spiritual growth on Earth and, indeed Earth’s own growth.

We are all being asked to ‘clear the decks’ in this lifetime so that we can accelerate our personal growth and facilitate planetary Ascension.

If you would like to book a Session with me "CLICK HERE", fill in your details and send me the enquiry.

Past Life Regression

This is a common ‘tool’ for the QHHT Practitioner to get clients to the point of transition where Light Beings come in to speak through the client & answer the client questions & heal them.

Whilst taught in the Dolores Cannon syllabus as the prime ‘go to’ hypnosis methodology I have increasingly found in my Practice that my clients drift in their journeys off-world/Earth into the Cosmos where they are taken to a place of Light for transition. It works for me & I am happy that it does.

However, for their own personal reasons a client may be interested in ‘visiting’ past lives & request that I do so if possible. Visiting past life events can be a catalyst for healing today’s problems when an event in a past life has created a strong energetic memory in the current body cells which manifest today as ‘illness’ or whatever. Understanding those events can bring immediate relief to current imbalances whether they be physical, mental or spiritual. This will be highlighted in a normal QHHT session so you do not specifically need to ask for a Past Life Regression if this is part of the healing taking place for today.

By all means ask me if you wish to see what you did before. However, bear in mind the subject is complex & very inter-related with many esoteric things that need to be understood. For example, ‘What is time?’. Past present & future are concepts an adept has to comprehend in the totality of their existence, Soul splitting etc. etc. You may have read that past present & future are happening all at once. This is a difficult area to grasp & most people are understandably confused at that statement & will find it hard to comprehend.

Before a session I often ask my guides a general question on how many lives a client may have had. Just as a guide to see if a client is an old or young Soul. Again this is a subject for pontification as we are all eternal & always have been. However an individualised Soul part of the ‘All That Is’, which is YOU, may have decided to experience 3rd dimensionality & become embodied in form at the lowest density – for example a human life as we understand it. Such ‘life’ experiences can be had all over the Cosmos/Universe in a multitude of forms. So when I get a guideline answer of ‘How many past lives has a client had?’ I sometimes overlook that the approximate number needs to be scrutinised more closely for more accuracy. More questions lead to more questions which can frazzle your thought processes. If I get an answer that tells me a client has had 500 lives I have to be careful to explain a lot more. It could be correct in a broad sense but incorrect in a detailed examination. What I mean by this is ‘What sort of ‘life’ are ‘They’ referring to?’ Life takes many forms & is in many places. For simplicity shall we say the person I was told about may have had 500 past lives in total. But where were they experienced? Only 250 (for example) may have been on Earth as a Human. Of those 250 some may have been 10,000 years ago. Do you really want to know the mundane details of living a peasants’ life in a mud hut with 5 children? Probably not.

This is why in a normal QHHT session Light Beings will quickly sift through & filter the ordinary or uneventful past life experiences & highlight only ones which are impacting a client today. They are quick & good at that.

So yes, by all mean ask to be taken to a past life for curiosity. But don’t hold your breath. I will always ask if there is a significant link between a clients current healing requirements & a past life event or situation. You may also have noticed on my website other areas such as ‘Cosmic healing’, ‘Inter-dimensional healing’, ‘Inter-universal-inter-dimensional healing’, Inter-Planetary healing’. Which begs the question ‘Where are you from?’. ‘What past life is being viewed?’.

If you have a significant ‘past life’ event impacting on your life today it will automatically be revealed to enable healing & helping you move on in this life.

You can ask. I can ask. But you must be content with what you are told. They know best.

Future Life Progression

I cannot let this subject be ignored in the light of my comments above about past lives. This is where it becomes doubly difficult to comprehend what is going on. Past, present & future lives happen all at once? Everything that can happen has already happened. Hey! What?!! Brain freeze.

So why would you want to know a future life? Yes I can ‘arrange’ or ask the Light Beings if it is appropriate to do this for you. Here we enter into the arena of possibilities & probabilities & free choice operating in sync with the trillions of Soul Parts all over the Cosmos let alone the 7 billions Soul parts on Earth. What future life do you want to ‘see’? What meaning will it have for you today? Is finding out only for personal ego fulfilment? Reasons to do so must have a clear path of Light.

You & I are bound by Cosmic Laws. Neither you nor I can ‘decide’ or ‘command’ a future life be viewed. ‘They’ know best & will allow or disallow the process. Will they give you the winning numbers of next week’s Lottery? Absolutely never – ever! It is not in the best interest of ‘The Whole’ to reveal certain things. Are you an exceptional Soul Part to have a future life revealed to you? You can only but ask. If they allow you to journey to it in a QHHT Session then accept the gift as one that has a Light purpose.

From my own personal channelling I know what my future work is/will be in the Higher Dimensions, but knowing this has little importance to what I am doing now & today. This is my classroom now. Knowing what I will be doing may be weird & unbelievable but it has no impact on me how I do things in the ‘Now’ at 3rd dimension in my current incarnation.

So you want a future life to be revealed? First ask yourself ‘How would that change the way I live now?’. Ask me by all means to have a go & ask the Light Beings but do not be disappointed if they say ‘No’. It may only be revealed if it helps you with Humanity’s next phase of moving upward - The Shift. We were gifted ‘curiosity’ so it is your decision. Put the request in your list & I will incorporate it in the session.